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Why Join?

1. DVEA is affiliated with TSTA (Texas State Teachers Association) and NEA (National Education Association). You are joining a Teacher Organization that is represented at the 3 different levels; Local (DVISD), State and National level.

2. Part of your dues go to people who work with us in person NOT just on the phone.

3. We have professional development (CPE Credit).

4. DVEA has spoken at the majority of School Board Meetings in regards to contracts, class size, high stakes testing, due process for ESPs, TASB Updates and more.

5. DVEA has monthly meetings with DVISD Superintendent, Dr. Kelly Crook.

6. Any DVISD employee can join- cafeteria, TAs, administration, custodians, bus drivers, counselors, teachers etc. 


With your TSTA/NEA membership, you also get:


NEAMB For more than half a century, NEA Member Benefits has helped members increase their economic security through financial services, insurance programs and investment advice; maximize their hard-earned dollars through consumer discounts and special travel and leisure offers; and be more effective in the classroom through professional development services and discounts on instructional materials. 


NEA Academy NEA Academy is your source for quality professional development. Courses developed by NEA are free to members; those developed by outside vendors are offered at the best rates possible. 


The NEA Foundation The NEA Foundation is an independent public charity created in 1969 and sustained by contributions from educators, corporate sponsors, and other supporters of public education. The Foundation offers grants and programs that support educators' efforts to close the achievement gaps, increase classroom innovations, provide professional development, and salute excellence in education.


NEA-Tools and Ideas- Tools and Ideas for Classroom Teachers

You can find ideas for lesson plans, classroom managements and more. 



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